
We can't list exact prices here, because every job is very different. Your best option is to call us at 630-324-0448 and describe your problem, and we can give you a price estimate over the phone.

Small Jobs: $100 + An example might be a one-stop trip to remove a snake in the patio, or dead animal in the attic. Not a far drive outside our service range.

Medium Jobs: $250 + An example might be a multi-stop project involving setting traps, returning twice to remove and relocate wildlife, minor repairs, etc.

Large Jobs: $500 + An example might be a project with several service visits, full home and attic inspection, multiple animals, complex repairs, attic cleanup, etc.

Wild animals pose a number of risks to you. Not only do they carry diseases that are dangerous, but they can scratch or attack you. Rodents chew on electrical wires, which can short out the wire leading to a fire. Chipmunks dig so much that they can compromise the foundation of your home, and moles and gophers can destroy your landscaping and vegetation. These animals can be quite dangerous and destructive. So, when you are faced with this kind of problem you need a service that can assist you right away. This is why we have established ourselves as the #1 wildlife removal service in the area. Our team of professional technicians has decades of experience in capturing and removing wildlife safely and effectively. We do it right the first time. We walk you through exactly what the problem is, and tell you how it is that we will remove the animal. We even provide repairs and sanitation to help get your house back to normal. We make sure that no wild animal will pose a risk to you and your family. We are a family run business so we understand the importance of family. This is why have you have a problem, we are the place you should turn.