Got a Bat Infestation Problem? Will Your Local Illinois Animal Services Assist?

If you have a Naperville bat infestation problem, you are probably wondering if the local animal service will be able to help you deal with your issue. They are after all, assigned to deal with animal problems and the bat can be considered as an animal. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Animal Control Services have concentrated their efforts in dealing with problems that are related to domesticated animals. For your wildlife infestation problem, you will need a different specialist to provide you with a solution.

Responsibilities and Services of Local Animal Agency

During the early years of the Illinois animal service, they indeed provide help for the wildlife creatures. As time goes by, the amount of inquiries and concerns that they received is beyond their capacity. They then decided to focus their time and efforts in saving domesticated animals. In this article, we will discuss the responsibilities and various services that the local animal agency can offer.

Rescuing Domesticated Naperville Animal

In case you have stray dogs in your Illinois community, it is the responsibility of the local animal agency to contain them and keep them safe. They have the necessary equipments to safely capture the stray dogs. They will then be rehabilitated by providing them with the necessary medical attention and their fundamental needs. Once they have recuperated, they will then be placed in the animal shelter for adoption. The agency is also responsible in rescuing abused animals. 

Performing Euthanasia

The local animal agencies are not allowed to place any deadline or expiration on the ‘holding period'. They are not given any license to perform euthanasia simply because they reached the prospected deadline. However, understanding that resources are needed to provide the animals with quality care, the communities in partnership with the animal service should ensure that there will be sufficient amount of resources available. Animals with behavior issue or those that are gravely injured will sometime be put to sleep. It is the role of the agency to end the unnecessary suffering of the pets. Euthanasia should only be tolerated to safeguard the welfare of the other animals in the shelter.

Returning Owner Animals to Owners

The animal service is also responsible to determine the proper owner of the stray animals. If it has been proven that the owners have been providing their pets with proper love and care, their pets will be returned to them after completing the process. If there are evidences that the owners have neglected their duties, the agency will be forced to file a legal complaint against the owner. In addition, their pets will also be placed for adoption.

Educating the Public

The Illinois animal welfare agency is also responsible to inform the public about the campaigns and programs that the county or city offer for the pets. This may include rabies vaccination, disaster-relief training, neuter program, and responsible ownership program.

As you can see, the local Naperville animal agency has too many things to deal with and they do not have the time to address your bat infestation issue. You may need to employ the service of the wildlife removal specialist to deal with the bats in your property.

Visit our Naperville wildlife control home page to learn more about us.